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Selectmen's Minutes January 16, 1996
                           Selectmen's Meeting - January 16, 1996

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Charles Flynn, James
Haggerty, Chair; Peter Jones; and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.
Joseph Nugent, Board's Executive Secretary notified Chair of his
absence this evening due to illness.  

I. Announcements: Haggerty called meeting to order at 7:40pm
announcing: (1) noting that Emergency Snow Removal Guidelines
have been issued by DEP.  Noting Highway Surveyor's presence,
Kuchinski requested he take a copy for his department's awareness
and adherence and (2) that Superior Court Judge Brady issued a
favorable decision in the Ridder lawsuit against the Town.  Brady
upheld Town's action to require Ridder to disconnect his drain
from Town's drainage system.

II. Wilkie Terrace Residents / Highway Surveyor re Snowplowing:
Residents Claire Tyler (11 Wilkie Terrace), Kristen Anderson (208
Crescent Street), and Tom Sampson (Wilkie Terrace) spoke to the
Board regarding the need for better snow removal and sanding
during the last storm on January 7-9.  Wilkie Terrace is a dirt
road (unaccepted street) which is on the plow list for the
plowing of only the two entrances - from the third pole in.  Due
to the poor condition of the road and its precarious location the
Board of Selectmen in 1983 voted to remove Wilkie Terrace from
the Plow List.  Mr. Harris stated that a few years later that the
Board at his request, allowed for Wilkie Terrace to be plowed
from the third pole in.  It was agreed that tempers flew between
Mrs. Tyler and the Highway Surveyor on Monday, however, the
entire roadway, including removal of high mounds, had been taken
care of today.  Discussion included the fact that two retaining
walls on properties have been shored up over the recent years and
that the Highway Surveyor is invited out to review the area; the
procedure of accepting streets; and the grading of dirt roads in
Town.  Residents thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak
and acknowledged that overall the Highway Department does a
fantastic job.  The Board praised Harris and all snowplowers for
the great job done.  Harris stated that they plowed, etc. for 42
hours for this storm.  He noted that Representative Whitney has
petitioned the legislature for monies for cities and towns to pay
for the snow plowing and removal.  Kuchinski asked that the Board
instruct Nugent to contact Representative Marini for his support
of this important money bill.  

III. May 1996 Town Meeting Warrant: The annual Town Meeting
Warrant requires formal action.  Motion 1/16/96.1: move that the
Board of Selectmen declare the Warrant open for the May 1996
Annual Town Meeting until March 12, 1996.  Motion made by Murdoch
with second by Flynn. Motion carried 5-0.  

IV. Town Report Bid: Haggerty noted that 7 companies had been
solicited for bids with only Fairmount Printing returning a bid.
Motion 1/16/96.2: move to award the printing of the 1995 Town
Report to Fairmount Printing, Inc. at a cost of $37.64 per page
(800 copies no more than 75 pages).  Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

V. Fire Department Vehicles: Fire Chief Huska has notified the
Board in writing that the 1953 Dodge and 1941 Dodge are no longer
needed by his department and can be declared surplus by the
Board.  Motion 1/16/96.3: move that at the request of the Fire
Chief, the 1953 Dodge and the 1941 Dodge trucks be declared
surplus.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn. Motion
carried 5-0.

VI. Habitat for Humanity: The Board reviewed the necessary action
to place the Boston Avenue property in the hands of the entity
known as South Shore Habitat for Humanity.  Treasurer/Collector
also present for this discussion.  Motion 1/16/96.4: move that
the Board of Selectmen authorize the Treasurer, Carole McCormack
to sign a Treasurer's Deed to convey the tax-title property on
Boston Avenue to South Shore Habitat for Humanity for the
consideration of $1.00.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.  Mrs. Murdoch praised Haggerty for
bringing the issue to the table for consideration.  Kuchinski
noted that the snow storm on the 8th canceled the planned
coalition meeting and that anyone interested should contact
Warren Emerson for details of the next meeting.  Haggerty noted
that the Hanson Housing Authority have received the monies for
the renovation of the L.Z. Thomas School and they are preparing
to go forward for 6 units.

VII. Presidential Primary Election Hours: Town Clerk Sandra
Harris requested the Board take the necessary action to open the
polls for the 1996 presidential primary election.  Motion
1/16/96.5: move to set the Presidential primary election on March
5, 1996 from 7AM until 8PM at the Maquan School. Motion made by
Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 5-0.

VIII. Snow Policy: To clear any confusion on the declaration of
closing Town buildings, this motion was taken considered this
evening: Motion 1/16/96.6: move that the Board of Selectmen's
snow policy decision to close Town building be made by the Chair
of the Board of Selectmen for the remainder of this season.
Motion made by Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.

IX. Class III License Renewal - Ken's BP on Main Street: No known
problems, all fees paid. Motion 1/16/96.7: move to approve the
renewal of Class III license for Ken's BP located 751 Main
Street. Motion made by Flynn with second by Kuchinski.  Motion
carried 5-0.

X. Executive Secretary Report: No report from Nugent due to
illness.  Haggerty requested that Action Requests be held until
next week due to Nugent not being present at this meeting.

XI. Adjournment. Motion 1/16/96.8: move to adjourn.  Motion made
by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0. Adj. 8:40pm